If you thought I was talking about World of Warcraft click and this and gfy
who changed this i am piss off
Age 45, Male
awesome land,usa
Joined on 11/6/08
Posted by devynian - December 22nd, 2011
If you thought I was talking about World of Warcraft click and this and gfy
Posted by devynian - January 29th, 2011
im not kidding the make every kind of cell or virus athttp://www.giantmicrobes.com/
Posted by devynian - August 28th, 2009
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8 -444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.c om/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.ca b#version=6,0,29,0" width="269" height="293"> <param name="movie" value="http://media2.clubpenguin.com/c ommunity/flash/widget.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <embed src="http://media2.clubpenguin.com/com munity/flash/widget.swf" wmode="transparent" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com /go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="269" height="293"></embed></object>
Posted by devynian - July 29th, 2009
<!-- BEGIN bunnyhero labs pet code -->
<img src="http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com /adopt/petimage/bWM9Z3VpbmVhcGlnLnN3Zi ZjbHI9MHg1ZmNjNWYmY249anVzdGluJmFuPWp1 c3Rpbg%3D%3D.png" width="250" height="300" border="0" alt="my pet!">
<!-- END bunnyhero labs pet code -->
<!-- BEGIN bunnyhero labs pet code -->
<img src="http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com /adopt/petimage/bWM9ZG9nLnN3ZiZjbHI9MH g4MzgzODUmY249Y2xvZSZhbj1yb2NoZWxsZQ%3 D%3D.png" width="250" height="300" border="0" alt="my pet!">
<!-- END bunnyhero labs pet code -->
Posted by devynian - July 26th, 2009
[url=http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/sh owpet.php?b=bWM9ZG9nLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHg5Yz ZhMDAmY249cHVwcHkmYW49ZGV2eW5pYW4%3D][
adopt/petimage/bWM9ZG9nLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHg 5YzZhMDAmY249cHVwcHkmYW49ZGV2eW5pYW4%3 D.png[/img][/url]
<!-- BEGIN bunnyhero labs pet code -->
<img src="http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com /adopt/petimage/bWM9ZG9nLnN3ZiZjbHI9MH g5YzZhMDAmY249cHVwcHkmYW49ZGV2eW5pYW4%
3D.png" width="250" height="300" border="0" alt="my pet!">
<!-- END bunnyhero labs pet code -->